I call bullshit to people who question Joe’s age. I have many women friends who are in their mid to late 80’s and they are as vibrant and engaging as they come! No, he should not step aside, not for one minute. And youth, I follow Victor Shi, David Hogg, and other young people, such as Maxwell Frost. They each have millions of followers because they have endorsed the Biden-Harris campaign. They call out members of the R Party who are off the rails. This is very positive. Trump cannot put a coherent sentence together and he just received a $450 million verdict. Joe will win. If something happens to him, Kamala will take his place.

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It's not his age but his mental state. I believe we need an age cap (72 yrs) on all elected, appointed and govt workers/officials across the country. Watching him on the news and seeing his cognitive challenges reminds me of my father in law in the early stages of dementia. It's only going to get worse. Joe's gaffes make America look weak to the world.

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I can testify to the advantage of being in the third age, and to having been married for 35 years to a great husband twenty years older than I was. His accumulated experience and breadth of world view were invaluable.

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If Biden keeps having eye lifts he can claim descendancy from others besides the Irish and broaden his voting base.

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What does that have to do with his mental aquity?

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What do facelifts have to do with ACUITY, except tangentially (and perhaps inversely) related to perception.

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I do not know either.

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